Our PARAGON teams in Bournemouth, Christchurch, and Poole (BCP) are commissioned to develop and deliver specialist domestic abuse support. This support is outside the scope of the primary domestic abuse services.
We work in Bournemouth and Poole hospitals, supporting victims and survivors of domestic abuse who disclose or present with signs of abuse. Our health team also provides training to hospital staff. This helps them to better understand the signs of domestic abuse and respond appropriately. They do this by signposting them to specialist support.
In BCP we also have a team of specialist children and young person’s (CYP) advocates. They provide trauma-informed support and advocacy to 5-18-year olds in the West Howe/Kinson Family Hub and Boscombe Family Hubs.
They work with CYP’s who have experienced or witnessed domestic abuse in their family homes or in their own intimate relationships. This support is available to those who need it most and includes CYP’s living in refuge accommodation.
We provide IDVA support in a multi-agency safeguarding hub (MASH) in BCP. The IDVA provides immediate advice and support to victim’s/survivors referred through the MASH. They work in partnership with other agencies to safeguard adults and children experiencing domestic abuse.