The Circle of Friends group recently hosted an open day to showcase their activities. The event was attended by representatives from HCC and Councillor David Hawkins. David serves as the Councillor for New Milton and the District Councillor for Milford & Hordle Ward.
Friends and family members also joined to enjoy the group’s activities. Their passion and achievements were evident throughout the event!
The open day took place at the Hordle Pavilion. The group operates from Tuesday to Thursday between 9:30 AM and 3:00 PM. Participants in the group meet three times a week to learn valuable skills. Like money management, how to cook and crafting a variety of items. These are available for purchase or pre-order via or group can create bespoke items upon request. And a great deal of passion and fun goes into their creation!
I am exceptionally proud of everyone who attends the group. Their enthusiasm and dedication is second to none. The clients have worked so hard to create such wonderful pieces and deserve all the praise they have received.
Fabulous work
The aim of the open day is to raise awareness in the local community and among HCC officials. By doing so, they hoped to receive more referrals and potentially expand their services. Given the limited provisions and resources available across the New Forest area, the group’s uniqueness stands out compared to similar offerings. And they’re a lovely bunch, too!
Paris to Hordle
The group has also engaged in a remarkable cycling attempt. They challenged themselves to ride from Paris to Hordle, which they finished early Wednesday morning. Well done to everyone and we hope you recover quickly.
As of yesterday, the group has raised £115 through donations and sales, including homemade teas, coffees, and cakes. These items are popular among the local community, especially since the hall is next to a popular field for dog walkers. Weather permitting, the group sets up an outdoor stall during the day.
The funds collected will be allocated toward future projects and a well-deserved outing for the group members. 🌟
A special thank you to The Minster Press, Wimborne. Your support was fantastic!
Items for sale