Trustee name: Saif Mohammad
What attracted you to becoming a Trustee?
I am already part of a small charity and always look for ways to give back to the community. Being a trustee has allowed me to contribute and make a difference in society as well as learn new skills.
Why did you choose The YOU Trust?
The YOU Trust is in a way unique and also aligns with the principles I personally believe in. YOU promotes a culture of inclusion, respect for individuals and always thinking of ways to give back.
What have you learnt so far?
I have learned a lot about YOU in the last 1 year. The areas that YOU cover, different types of work and, most importantly, how YOU encourages new ideas. I quickly learned on day one how YOU promotes less thinking and more doing. Also, being part of the recent YOU Conference let me learn about the exciting journey YOU has had from its inception to where we are now.
We have got such hardworking and committed staff. I personally met some of our staff during the Conference and the conversations were all happy, structured and exciting.
What is your favourite holiday location and why?
My holidays are mostly going to my home country to visit family and friends. I like going around various places that are part of the National Trust in the UK.
Most of my weekends, and some of my holidays, are spent working with my wife in the garden. Adding different varieties of flowers to the, growing vegetables and taking care of pet rabbits (Jojo and bobo). Here is a small glimpse of the flowers from our garden!