I remember feeling guilt when I felt lonely – because to many people I have no reason to feel alone, but loneliness affects us all.
Sometimes it can feel like there is a negative stigma around admitting that you’re lonely, but it’s something that most people will have experienced at one point in their life. There is no shame in feeling alone, and it’s OK to talk about it.
Loneliness can lead to self isolation, which can lead to anxiety and depression. It’s something that many older people can suffer from, which is why our charity has services like Cycling Without Age.
Of course many people didn’t have access to these services during lockdown. But now that we do, we want to make sure everyone knows they are available. So, to mark this Mental Health Awareness Week we asked for quotes, thoughts and ideas on how to keep our mental health, healthy.
Mental Health Awareness quotes
For me, life is a journey and I always want to travel forwards. I know I will hit a few bumps along the way, but I make sure I keep good people around me for support. Friends, loved ones, happiness, fun, and adventure are some of the things I am fortunate to say I have in my life. I try not to put pressure on myself and enjoy each day as it comes.
I always try to make sure I find time for me. Whether that’s a walk, a swim or simply zoning out for a film. I have found keeping a good mental state is to have a good work/life balance.
I often have to remind myself to be kind to myself, like I would be kind to my best friend, or my mum. I deserve the kindness I give to them, not the negativity I often find myself in.
I find that when I am in the gym, I am slowly getting stronger, able to lift heavier, I get prouder each time I go. I remind myself that this takes practice, patience and stubbornness to get to where I want to get to, and I remind myself that this happens in daily life, not just in my exercise routine.
As a gregarious person living alone during lockdown I definitely suffered. Speaking to people over the web wasn’t enough. I found myself retreating into myself as a safety mechanism. Luckily, I was able to exercise outside or it would have been unbearable.
Loneliness can be an insidious thing which you need to be mindful of. It’s so easy to get stuck in an unsocial rut that when we have the chance to go out, we don’t.