1. You Counselling Centres run focus groups specifically for male clients which run every quarter to look at service design, improvements and better ways to reach other males ensuring a consistent approach to client involvement. If you are interested in having information on this please do email us on youcounselling@theyoutrust.org.uk and register your interest for the male focus groups. All our strategies and policies can be found on our STAR website.
2. Every quarter the YOU Counselling Centres admin team will call a number of clients to gain feedback, using a questionnaire. We will ask a few questions about your experiences and how we can improve our marketing and engagement. Within our quarterly calls we will tell you a bit more about our feedback groups in case you wish to join.
3. Mid-way through your counselling journey, around 6 weeks, your counsellor will ask you for feedback, this can be in the form of a link via email, a call, or if you are seeing them face to face, or a form for you to complete. We are happy to help you fill in any forms, if that is helpful. This feedback is vital to enable your counsellors understand how your sessions are impacting on you, how we have helped and your thoughts about accessibility and location. This feedback is helpful for counsellors continued professional learning so it is always welcome.
4. When you have finished sessions with us (groups or counselling) we will either send you a link, email or call to ask for feedback on your counselling specifically and how you found it. Here you will have the opportunity to register any interest you have in our focus groups or the men’ Space to Share groups.
Our websites also host a range of your valued feedback and messages anonymously. On STAR we have a Survivor Voices page and on PARAGON it’s called Voices.